American Bible Society / History Channel
The American Bible Society teamed up with the History Channel to produce an interactive experience for the people of New York City in their 1st floor lobby area.
A large part of this interactive area was slated for a digital experience that needed to give users a hands-on touchable interface and be dynamic enough to hold their attention.

After gathering a thorough understanding of the technical needs, the expected interaction between the space and the technology, as well as the reasons behind them – we worked tightly with the project team members to design digital interactions that flowed as an extension of the space, rather than an intrusion of the space.
“There is no other space in New York City like this. The ABS atrium seamlessly combines the environment with its unique mission and has often been described as “the Apple Store meets Starbucks meets the Bible.””

Interactive digital development.
Our expertise with digital presentations was brought to life through a wide variety of high quality video screens, ipads, and a touchable interactive table. Each item had unique interactive programming to help convey the Bible’s message to guests.